Audit is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given by Jaeger.
Audit Quest Details
Quest Dialogue
You know, you look like someone who’d help clean out a bank! Why are you so uptight, bro, that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m an honest businessman! But sometimes you watch a heist movie and get so many ideas in your head… Anyway, to the point. I have information that a man from a financial institution that controls the banking sector of Tarkov kept a journal, you know, for when everything goes to shit… The data he kept was from classified official reports. So anyway, as you know, everything did go to shit, but he couldn’t manage to pass the info on. Do you have any idea what kind of juice there might be in his doodles? Search the place, find me that journal.
- Obtain the financial records on Streets of Tarkov
- Hand over the journal
- +8700 XP
- 200,000 Roubles
- +0.02 reputation with Ragman
The quest item is located inside the bank just across the street from Nikita’s building. The building is orange, so it’s hard to miss it when passing by.
The quest item should be located on the second floor, in a dropped red folder, but considering the recent variation added to the game, it might spawn somewhere else. If it’s not there, make sure you sweep the area. Collect and extract so you don’t lose the item. Check the image below for a better explanation:
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